Cirque des Reves(夜のサーカス)とCirque des Levures(酵母のサーカス)の言葉遊びで命名。
混植畑の葡萄を混醸して造るNatur Pur Lineのトップキュヴェです。香りの立ち上がりが極めて自然に、押しつけや速度の過激さのない、開放感。香りの要素ひとつひとつの焦点の精密な定まり、写真家の魔法のような色彩溢れる果実の描写。塩気を伴うレモン、熟したグレープフルーツ、芳香豊かなマスカット。重たさを感じさせずフリーダムに入射、陰影のバランスを綺麗に描いて広がる果実。酸が尖ることなく、無秩序に見えて意志に導かれたような広がる余韻。果皮浸漬に由来する出涸らしなタンニンは皆無で果皮の香りを優しく引き出しています。
サーカスとは非常に面白い命名でテント小屋の中、色とりどりのライトに照らされる摩訶不思議な世界がグラスの中で上演されます。(2024年5月 村岡)
2022 Weingut Gebrüder Mathis Weissburgunder Tuni
The Wine Advocate
RP 92
Reviewed by:Stephan Reinhardt
Release Price:NA
Drink Date:2025 - 2036
From low-yielding old vines and vinified in barriques until July 2023, the unfiltered 2022 Weissburgunder Tuni comes from the Tuniberg district but wasn't accepted by the officials as quality wine due to its dusty color. The wine opens with an intense and yeasty bouquet of ripe and well-concentrated bright fruits intermingled with delicate chalky nuances. Round and elegant on the palate, this is a full-bodied, complex, persistently saline and seriously structured as well as textured Pinot Blanc of remarkable class and style. The wine develops an impressively clear, fresh and savory as well as saline and even complex finish that makes it another best buy for this three-year-old, organically farmed domaine.